Zen Callligraphy
Martial arts opened this world for me. Through studying the work of master calligraphers I've found a voice in bokuseki, an expressive style of energy and composition. Focus is use of negative space; the final red seal (chop) finalizes the composition. At this juncture shodo works are more an expression of energy than form, more about being than direct commentary. Diving into the deep end is the point after all, as essence is primal and personal. . .who you take with you is increasingly inconsequential and mysterious.
SMALL DRAWINGS - INK AND GRAPHITE: Murmurations // Thinking of Black Pines 1 // 2
SLIDESHOW#1 sacred space of the dojo 18x24" // zenFish20x24"// haiku12 (original writing) print square // // 2022 valentine collection 1 and 2 // dragon 5x10" (sold) // 2 fish & a guppie (sold) // Edo (Drape on cloth) 5' x 15' and detail // collage : "DOLL" // "Ryusui"an early work // "Ice Cream" and "Butterfly" (sold, shown in situ ) // Mural, 6' x 3'(Flg, AZ) // "The Pine Takes Flight" (sold, shown in situ above the hallway lintel)
SLIDESHOW#2 // canoe 8x10" (sold) //JoyfulEvent 18x24" //Sparrow-Leaf-Enso // Jack Escapes For A Lark 18x30" (sold) and detail // Installation of "Have a Cup of Tea + Enso" (sold) // Miracle 8x10" (sold) //
The Dells, AZ 12"x 36" ink/watercolor/ arches (sold)
The Pine Takes Flight 14x26" ink/wc/arches / (Sold)